Welcome to the Website of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis
[ International Homeopathic Medical League ]
The Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) is an international homeopathic medical society established in Rotterdam on September 10, 1925, under the terms of the Swiss Civil Law, stipulating Geneva as its registered office.
LMHI elects new Executive Committee
LMHI Executive Committee
The National Vice Presidents from about 70 LMHI member countries - the LMHI's International Council - elected a new Executive Committee on May 18. The meeting took place prior to the 65th Liga Congress at Redondo Beach, California (USA) that was hosted by the California Homeopathic Medical Society (CHMS) and the American Institute of Homeopathy (AIH).
The new President is Dr. Jose Matuk Kanan (Mexico).
About LMHI
General Information and Organisation Structure
The Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) is an international homeopathic medical society established in Rotterdam on September 10, 1925, under the terms of the Swiss Civil Law, stipulating Geneva as its registered office.
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Professor Dr. Antonio Negro (1908-2010)
Professor Dr. Antonio Negro (1908-2010)
Obituary for a great homeopath
Professor Antonio Negro was the most important Italian homeopath of the last century. He was National Vice-President of the LMHI for several mandates and protected the purity and independence of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis from any form of trading contamination and fought for it to remain just as its Founders had wanted it be, that is, the link between all homeopaths all over the world and the bulwark of Hahnemann's homoeopathic medicine.
In 1988, he received the title of Honorary Member of the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis. At international level, his role was very important not only as LMHI Vice-President for Italy, but also for prolific contacts with the Argentine, Mexican, Austrian and Belgian Schools.
The Liga: At a glance
in Rotterdam on 10 September 1925 by fourteen homeopathic physicians from nine countries...
“ . . . the development and securing of Homœopathy worldwide . . . the creation of a link between homœopaths with medical diplomas and between societies and persons who are interested in homœopathy.”
Institutional Members / Individual Full Members / Associate Members ...
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