Single Remedy Guide - Singles
What do the potencies mean? -
In the listing, you will see a various combination of numbers and letters. A common example would be 30X. The number indicates the number of times (30 in our example) a product is further diluted and successed (vigorously pounded). In the lower levels there is crude material in the product. The letter 'X' in this example is the method of dilution. X means 1 part crude (remedy) to 9 parts dilutant which is a 1:10 ratio.
Note: European notation may be reversed between succussions and scale. For example, 6X (USA) is equivalent to D6 (European). See the chart below for additional scales and notations.
Dilution Rate
Common Notations
X, D, DH
C, CH, CK*
100 millesimal
* K denotes Korsakovian Method and H denotes Hahnemann method. Hahnemann method requires a new vial at each succession step whereas Korsakovian does not.
Which Remedy do I need? - Typically self help books or homeopathic practitioner describe several choices of common single remedies from which you select the one that is most like your situation. This works for many people, an alternative is the Materia Medica which provides detailed descriptions of the medicines and the symptoms they treat. The remedies are labeled by the Latin name of the drug, substance or compound used for manufacturing.
An over simplified version of how to use them follows - find your symptoms in the repertory, note the remedy(s) common to those symptoms and select the most similar remedy from the choices by reading about them in the materia medica. If you are fairly sure of the remedy use a 6 or 12, if it seems dead on use a 12 or 30 - repeat less often as condition subsides. Single remedies come as Tablets Form, Liquid Dilutionsor Tinctures.
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