Friday, June 17, 2011

Nik Badrul hakim bin Nik Omar - A Malay Acupuncturist & Homeopath

Working as Homeopath and acupuncture, Nik badrul is one of the leading alternative health Practitioner at Kelantan.
His address is Pusat perubatan Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar at Taman University, Kg gelang mas, Meranti, pasir Mas, kelantan.

Committee Members of LHMI from India With Dr Nik Omar from Malaysia

66th LHMI Congress at New Delhi 2011

Keajaiban Bismillahi Rahman Ni Rahim

Baca Bismillahirahmannirahim sebanyak 101 kali ditiup pada satu mangkuk air, dihadiahkan bacaan tersebut kepada para aulia yang telah meninggal dan dipasang niat untuk menyembuhkan sebarang penyakit.

Selamat berusaha

Dari Kitab Lama [ Jawi]: Pati Rahsia Karangan Dato Perdana Kelantan

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia (TN), (also known as prosopalgia, the Suicide Disease or Fothergill's disease) is a neuropathic disorder characterized by episodes of intense pain in the face, originating from the trigeminal nerve.

One, two, or all three branches of the nerve may be affected. It is "one of the most painful conditions known to humans, yet remains an enigma to many health professionals."[5] This pain may be felt in the ear, eye, lips, nose, scalp, forehead, cheeks, teeth, and/or jaw and side of the face; some patients also experience pain in their left index finger.

Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is not easily controlled but can be managed with a variety of treatment options. It is estimated that 1 in 15,000 people suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, although the actual figure may be significantly higher due to frequent misdiagnosis. In a majority of cases, TN symptoms begin appearing after the age of 50, although there have been cases with patients being as young as three years of age. It is more common in females than males.

Bahasa Melayu:
Penyakit ini boleh dirawat dengan sempurna melalui rawatan homeopathy dan akupunktur
Pesakit harus menjalani tidak kurang dari 10 terapi akupunktur untuk menyembuhkan penyakit ini.

Kesakitan penyakit ini amat serius dan pesakit tidak boleh tahan dengan sakit yang begitu teruk sehingga pesakit tidak boleh bercakap, tidak boleh senyum dan tidak boleh makan. Sakit lebih dari sakit gigi kerana ia melibatkan saraf muka. Jangan biarkan ianya berlarutan. Kami sedia membantu anda, anda harus banyak bersabar, dan beri peluang untuk kami merawat dan membantu anda.

Terapi Renung Payu Dara Memanjangkan Usia Anda

Hanya suami diizinkan merenung payu dara isteri

Rawatan Resdung dengan Laser Acupuncture

Resdung adalah salah satu penyakit kronik yang tidak boleh dibiarkan kerana jika dibiarkan berlarutan, ia akan menyebabkan hidung tersumbat, ketat hidung, sukar bernafas, gatal hidung, gatal mata, gatal telinga , gatal muka.
Jika resdung merebak ke mata, mata akan jadi merah dan gatal-gatal. Tel: 018-2888 379

Adalah lebih baik berubat terlebih dahulu sebelum anda dinasihatkan supaya melakukan pembedahan oleh pakar ENT

Menggunakan Laser Akupunktur Untuk Rawat Penyakit Buah Pinggang

Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disease where there is abnormal leakage of protein, low levels of proteins in blood and swelling of body parts.

Clinically proven homeopathy helps recover faster, reduce (and stop) the need for steroids, reduce frequency + severity of attacks.

Bahasa Melayu;
Rawatan Biasa di mana-mana Hospital: Makan ubat streid prednisolone
atau jika buah pinggang sudah chronik - mesti buat dialysis

Rawatan Alternatif;
Homeopathy Makan Ubat
Akupunktur ada dua pilihan: Buat terapi akupunktur secara manual
atau Menggunakan Laser Akupunktur untuk nyah toksik dari badan


Rawatan homeopati adalah satu option untuk merawat kes katarat [ cataract]
Selain dari menggunakan ubat-ubatan homeopati, rawatan akupunktur adalah salah satu pilihan yang baik untuk merawat kes katarat.

Beberapa ubat bagus untuk merawat kes-kes tersebut ialah:

Pemandangan mula menjadi gelap: Hepar Sulph

Rasa panas dalam mata: Bell

Mata berair: Euphrasia

Rasa menikam dalam biji mata: Byronia

Buta Warna: Santonine

Buta malam - Night Blindness: Bell., Nux Vom

Buta Dekat: Phos

Buta Jauh: Jaborandi

Bila membaca huruf bertindih antara satu sama lain : Nat Mur.

Sakit Mata Awal: bell.


Ubat Ubat Homeopati Yang bagus Untuk demam

Demam Biasa: aconite nap
Demam Malaria: China Off
Demam Denggi : Baptisia
Demam Kemalangan: Arnica Montana
Demam Urat: Rhus Tox
Demam Panas: Belladonna
Demam Kanak-Kanak / Bayi: Chamomilla
Demam Terkejut: ignatia
Demam Kering: Bryonia
Demam batuk: Cup Met.
Demam bengkak Susu: Nux Vomica

Keajaiban Al Quran

Keajiaban Al Quran

Al Quran telah mencerita semua aspek kehidupan baik didunia mahupun diakhirat.
Jika anda pandai menghayatinya, Al Quran mengandungi mencerita segala bentuk permulaan dari awal hingga akhir - contoh bagaimana struktur mata, cekerawala, planet, bumi, bagaimana seorang manusia dicipta dan lain-lain.

Selamat meneroka... keajaiban al quran

The Miracle of Al Quran

Discoveries of Al Quran

The Cell

The Miracle of Al Quran

Discoveries from Al Quran
String Theory - Every Thing is made of Vibrating Strings

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Down Syndrome Boleh Di Rawat Secara Homeopathy

Foto: Anak ini yang mengalami Sindrom Down sejak lahir. Setelah mendapat rawatan dengan Prof Dr Nik Omar secara homeopathy, anak ini sudah boleh berdiri dan dijangka dalam masa 4 bulan lagi, saya kira anak ini sudah boleh berjalan - InsyaAllah.

Apakah Down Syndrom

• Down syndrome occurs when an individual has three, rather than two, copies of the 21st chromosome. This additional genetic material alters the course of development and causes the characteristics associated with Down syndrome.

• Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. One in every 691 babies is born with Down syndrome.

• There are more than 400,000 people living with Down syndrome in the United States.

• Down syndrome occurs in people of all races and economic levels.

• The incidence of births of children with Down syndrome increases with the age of the mother. But due to higher fertility rates in younger women, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age.

• People with Down syndrome have an increased risk for certain medical conditions such as congenital heart defects, respiratory and hearing problems, Alzheimer's disease, childhood leukemia, and thyroid conditions. Many of these conditions are now treatable, so most people with Down syndrome lead healthy lives.

• A few of the common physical traits of Down syndrome are low muscle tone, small stature, an upward slant to the eyes, and a single deep crease across the center of the palm. Every person with Down syndrome is a unique individual and may possess these characteristics to different degrees or not at all.

• Life expectancy for people with Down syndrome has increased dramatically in recent decades - from 25 in 1983 to 60 today.

• People with Down syndrome attend school, work, participate in decisions that affect them, and contribute to society in many wonderful ways.

• All people with Down syndrome experience cognitive delays, but the effect is usually mild to moderate and is not indicative of the many strengths and talents that each individual possesses.

• Quality educational programs, a stimulating home environment, good health care, and positive support from family, friends and the community enable people with Down syndrome to develop their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

• Researchers are making great strides in identifying the genes on Chromosome 21 that cause the characteristics of Down syndrome. Many feel strongly that it will be possible to improve, correct or prevent many of the problems associated with Down syndrome in the future.

Bahasa Melayu: Syndrom Down

Dari Rekod Pusat Perubatan Homeopathy Dr Nik Omar Gelang Mas, pasir Mas, kelantan.

Down Sydrome Kearah Penyembuhan Melaui Rawatan Homeopathy

Nama pesakit: A B N Umur 4 tahun Bangsa Melayu.

Sejarah: Anak ini dibawa oleh ibu bapa mereka untuk mendapatkan rawatan penyakit Syndrom Down sejak lahir. Kini anak ini berusia 4 tahun. Selama 4 tahun, mereka mereka berusaha ke sana kemari dengan berpuloh orang doktor, kebanyakan doktor menyatakan 'tidak ada ubat' - mereka berputus asa...

Suatu hari ada kawa mensyurkan supaya jumpa dengan Dr Nik Omar , kalau-kalau boleh dirawat secara homeopati.

Pada Bulan Januari ibu ini telah membawa anak yang berusia 4 tahun ini memnemui Dr Nik Omar di Gelang Mas. Waktu pertama kali jumpa anak ini betul-betul kelihatan seperti anak-anak dsindrom down yang lain. Dengan buka, mata, kepala serta TIDAK BOLEH BERDIRI DAN BERJALAN.

Pada 16 Jun 2011 setelah menjalani rawatan selama hampir 4 bulan, anak ini sudah boleh BERDIRI sendiri - Allahamdulillah.
Kalau selama ini doktor menyatakan 'tidak' ada ubat, tetapi pada hari ini ibu bapa anak ini cukup gembira bahawa anak mereka sudah boleh berdiri.

Saya janga dalam tempuh 4 bulan lagi, dengan memgamalkan ubat-ubat homeopati yang tepat, anak ini AKAN BOLEH BERJALAN - InsyaAllah.

Kita Ikhtiar Allah menyembuhkannya.

Inilah apa yang dikatakan 'Evidence Based Homeopathy'

Bila Anda gagal Merawat Penyakit Dengan Perubatan Lain, Bolehlah Mencuba Homeopathy ?

Bila Lain-Lain Perubatan gagal merawat Anda, Cubalah Pula Perubatan Homeopathy
When nothing else seems to help
Jika lain-lain Perubatan Tidak dapat membantu Anda

If a person has unsatisfactory response from allopathic or any other treatment for any of the following problems, and is willing to try alternative or complementary treatment, consider homeopathy.

Anda Boleh Mencuba Perubatan Homeopathy

Phantom limb pain (after amputation) Rawatan selepas pembedahan
Bone fracture well aligned but not healing ( untuk rawatan patah tulang)
Persistent pain following an injury 9 sakit yang berterusan )
Tennis elbow (sakit tangan atau bahu )
Toothache persisting following tooth extraction ( selepas sakit gigi)

Leg cramps at night/in bed (cramps in calves/feet)
Involuntary movements of eyelids, face, lips / bell palsy
Every little injury suppurates
Persistent toothache since filling was done

Red swollen eyelids / conjunctivitis ( sakit mata awal)
Burning in the sole of feet only at night / cramp / numbness ( kebas-kebas)
Mental/physical effects of grief after recent death of loved one
Ringworm infestation of skin [ cacing )

Hay fever with watery eyes and burning nasal discharge
Excessive flatulence / gastric [ medu / uluran ]
Skin warts [ ketuat, ketimbir, keloid ]
Involuntary, spasmodic closing of eyelids
Fetid odor from mouth [ masalah mulut berbau ] masalah airliur
Chronic constipation [ sembelit, buasir, fistula]

Allergic/seasonal rhinitis/hay fever/sinusitis
Chronic eczema / skin disease
Acne, pimple [ jerawat, resdung , seduan ]

Many other problems
To find a homeopathic physician in your area, you may search the web. National Center for Homeopathy in Malaysia call 03-4141 7770 or 018-2888 379
Posted by Acupuncture Malaysia at 7:02 PM 0 comments

Prof Dr Nik Omar at Various International Conference

Conference at Warsaw, Poland

Conference at Belgium 2008

Conference 2009

Conference 2006

Ubat Kuning Bayi - Jaundice

Ubat Kuning Untuk Bayi

Bayi Kuning Dan Rawatan Homeopathy

Homeopathic Drops for Jaundice

Tahukah anda bahawa ubat homeopathy @ homeopati cukup baik untuk merawat kes-kes bayi yang mengalami 'jaundice' atau Demam Kuning @ penyakit kuning dikalangan bayi-bayi.

Bentuk ubat - cecair dititik dalam mulut 4 titik 3 kali sehari sehingga sembuh

Biasanya satu atau dua set sudah mencukupi

Harga satu sek RM 45 sahaja - dalam bentuk dropper.

Saya pertama kali bawa masuk ubat homeopathy ini ke Malaysia pada tahun 1971.
Waktu itu saya sedang menuntut di Pakistan Homeopathic Medical College dan sewaktu pulang bercuti saya mencuba ubat-ubat ini dikalangan saudara mara yang baru melahirkan anak dan didapti amat berkesan.

Oleh itu kami memperkenalkan ubat ini terus di Rangkaian klinik-klinik seperti alamat dibawah sehaj tahun 1971 hingga kini, ubat ini amat popular dikalangan ibu-ibu di Kelantan

Dapatkan di Kelinik kami di KL, Bangi, Shah Alam, Damansara Utama atau di Kelantan
Tel Hotline 018-2888 379

International Conference at Agra, India

Prof Dr Nik Omar berucap di Konferen Homeopathy Antarabangsa di Agra, India.
Hampir setiap tahun Dr Nik Omar menghadiri konferen homeopathy dimerata dunia.
Dr Nik Omar adalah seorang pakar homeopathy dan salah seorang Homeopath paling senior di Malaysia.

Prof Dr Nik Omar
President Homeopathic Medical Practitioners Association of malaysia
Vice President Interntional Homeopathic Medical League ( Malaysia)
Vice President Asian Homeopathic Medical league ( Asia - new Delhi)
A Senior Homeopath mre than 35 years of practising homeopathy


Irritability is an excessive response to stimuli.

Alternative Names


The term "irritability" is used for infants and young children who, when ill, are especially fussy, whiny, and fretful, despite attempts at comforting and soothing them.

Parents are usually very aware of their child's normal behavior and may pick up early changes that the health care provider wouldn't notice. This can help diagnose illness early.

Common Causes

Irritability can be a very early sign of serious problems. Although irritability is not a symptom of any specific illness, it should arouse suspicion in the parent that something might be wrong with the child, even though there may not yet be other symptoms.

Causes of irritability include:

* Alcohol or drug withdrawal state
* Autism spectrum disorders
* Cancer
* Colic in infants
* Congenital infections
* Diabetes or other metabolic disease
* Drug reaction
* Ear infection
* Encephalitis
* Fracture, sprain, or other bone, joint, or tissue injury
* Headache (migraine or other)
* Head trauma
* Hydrocephalus
* Hypoglycemia
* Intestinal obstruction
* Intracranial bleeding or abscess
* Iron deficiency anemia
* Lead poisoning
* Meningitis or other serious infection
* Milk intolerance
* Nutritional deficiencies
* Pinworm
* Psychiatric illnesses
* Sleep disorders
* Tay-Sachs or other genetic disease
* Teething
* Viral infection

Home Care

Attempt to soothe the child with usual measures -- rocking, cuddling, or whatever the child normally finds soothing. If the child cannot be consoled, consult your health care provider.

Gangguan Keperibadian:

Awas, jika didapati anak-anak anda yang terlampau sensitif, cepat marah, cepat merajuk, bila marah suka baling barang-barang rumah, lari dari rumah, ingin bunuh diri, buat perangai tidak senonoh, Awas mungkin anak anda termasuk dalam gulongan 'gangguan keperibadian'
Pada peringat awal rawatan homeopati boleh membantu melegakan keadaan, rawatlah sebelum terlambat.

Depression and Acupuncture Treatment


Depression may be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most of us feel this way at one time or another for short periods.

True clinical depression is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, loss, anger, or frustration interfere with everyday life for an extended period of time.

Bahasa Melayu:

Orang-orang yang mudah terkena penyakit 'Depression' ialah orang-orang yang cerewet, orang-orang yang sensitif, orang-orang yang bengkeng [bengis], orang yang cepat meradang, orang yang sombong dengan orang, orang sakit jiwa, jiwa tidak tenteram, orang yang hati jahat:

Antara Tanda-Tanda Orang Depression:
Selalu bersedih, tidak gembira, gundah gulana, suka mencari kesalahan orang, suka merajuk, cepat maki hamun orang.

Jika anda faham anda memgalami penyakit ini, cepat-cepatlah berubat melalui rawatan homeopati dan akupunktur, ia boleh disembuhkan.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sejarah Klinik Homeopathy KL Pertama di Bangunan Hospital Tawakal sekarang

Pada tahun 1975 - 1980

Waktu ini Presiden Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia - PPHM Dr Mohd Nor Nordin [ Melaka] masih dikenali sebagai Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy yang berpusat di Taiping dengan Dr Dali Muin sebagai Setiusaha Agong.

Saya Dr Nik Omar dikunjungi oleh Dr Mohd Nor dan Dr Dali Muin serta Dr Ghani Suliman ( Pesyarah Umiversiti Kejuteraan di jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur. Mereka berkunjung ke Kelantan dan menemui saya untuk berbincang mengenai menubuhan Satu Kelnik Homeopathy di kuala Lumpur.

Beberap siri mesyuarat diadakan di kelantan dan di Kuala Lumpur baik secara formal dan juga informal, akhirnya semua AJK Persatuan Homeopathy Malaysia setuju satu kelinik hOmeopathy yang dikenali sebagai Perubatan Homeopathy KL ditubuhkan dengan kerjasama Dr Doll Kawaid [ Pinjam tapak kolej beliau] waktu itu di bangunan Hospital Tawakal.

Dr Nik Omar merupakan salah seorang AJK PPHM yang mengetuai Unit Pendidikan Homeopathy. ulai disitulah kami rancang untuk mengadakn kuliah homeopathy di Universiti Teknologi di Semarak.

Arwah Dr Ghani Suleiman adalah salah seorang murid Dr nik Omar dan beliau serta Dr Dali Muin berulang alik dari KL ke Kelantan untuk belajar bebeerapa teknik homeopathy yang mereka sednir belum tahu diwaktu itu.

Arwah Dr Dali, Dr Ghani Sulieman dan Dr Mohd Nor Nordin waktu di Kelantan. Rumah Dr nik Omarlah tempat mereka bermalam kadang-kadang sampai 3 atau 4 malam. Biasanya kami bincang soal ingin membangun homeopathy di malaysia.

Waktu itu yang hadir mesyuarat tidal lebih dari 4 atau 5 orang sahaja iaitu Dr Mohd Nor Nordin, Dr Nik Omar, Dr Dali Muin, Dr Doll Kawaid, Dr Tajudin
Dr Tajuddin perah datang belajar dengan Dr Nik Omar dan pernah tinggal dirumah Dr Nik Omar di kelantan selama 7 hari atau lebih.

Selepas satu tahun Dr Dali ingin buka kelnik sendiri dan Dr Ghani ingin buka kelnik sendiri. Masing-masing mereka meningglkan Homeopathy KL kepada Doll Kawaid.
Dr Dali dan Dr Tajudiin buka Klinik di Kg Baru, Dr Ghani buka di Keramat.
Sehingga mereka meninggal dunia.

Dr Nik Omar meninggal PPHM dan menubuh Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia.

Mimpi @ Dreams @ Nightmare

Foto: salah satu Seminar Homeopathy Peringkat Antarabangsa yang dianjurkan oleh Prof Dr Nik Omar, Presiden Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia dan pengasas Fakulti perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia. FAHOM ditubohkan pada tahun 10 April 1979

Mimpi Dan Rawatan Homeopati

Ada Dua Jenis Mimpi - Satu Mimpi Indah yang memberi kenyataan [ Bagus]

Kedua: Mimpi Ngeri Yang mengaangu anda [ Tidak Bagus ]

Mimpi yang tidak baik adalah akibat dari jiwa yang terseksa, jiwa yang tidak tenteram,dalam keadaan keasakitan yang teramat sangat atau stres atau ada tekanan perasaan, akibatnya jadi mimpi yang ngeri. Mimpi yang tidak baik, menakutkan seperti mimpi orang mati, mimpi bunoh orang, mimpi jatuh dari bangunan, digigit ular, dikejar binatang liar, merogol orang, buat seks dengan bini orang - semua mimpi ini melambangkan kecelaruan jiwa dan boleh dirawat secara homeopati dan boleh disembuhkan.

Contoh ubat homeopati dan rawatan:

Nux Vom: Mimpi kemalangan. Juga mimpi buat seks. Pulsatilla - mimpi binatang hitam, Merc - mimpi binatang liar, Mang Phos - Mimpi bercakap dan menagis dalam tidur, Daphe- mimpi kucing hitam., Arnia - mimpi kuburan, Thuja - mimpi orang mati, Suplh - mimpi dikejar atau digigit anjing, Bell - mimpi api dan lain-lain mimpi - homeopati mempunyai lebih dari 50 ubat spesifik untuk mimpi-mimpi tertentu.

Selamat mencuba dan dapatkan mana-mana doktor homeopati terbaik
Jika sukar layari laman

Dreams @ Nightmare And Homeopathic Treatment

We have more than 50 good homeopathic medication for dreams or nightmare.

Such as: Dream of accident - Nux Vom.; Dreams of Black cats; Dead people - Thuja; Bitten by Dogs - Suplh;, Murder - Sil.,; Ghost - Kalicarb.; Ferful Dream - Glonine. etc.

Hati Hati Memileh Doktor Homeopati Tulin

Perbezaan Antara Pengamal Homeopathy

Ciri-Ciri Doktor Homeopathy

Doktor Homeopati - Berkelulusan Sepenuh Masa ( Sekurang-kurangnya belajar 4 tahun dari Medical College atau Fakulti Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia )

Ahli Homeopathy: Orang dari Kerja Lain - Belajar Homeopathy dari klinik-klinik atau dari hotel-hotel tertentu - mereka ini kerja homeopathy part time.

Ketrampilan: Dr/H: Sopan, berhimah dan berbudi pekerti mulia

Ahli Homeopathy: Tidak Senonoh dan kurang sopan.

Ilmu Perubatan H/Dr: Meluas dan faham seluk beluk ilmu kedoktoran

Ahli Homeopathy : Oleh mereka ini jadi ahli homeopathy dalam beberapa tahu, selepas pencen, maka ilumu perubatan tidak tahu dan memebri fahaman yang salah tentang perubatan.

Cara Memberi Ubat: H/Dr Memberi ubat cara yang betul , sama ada memberi dengan globules atau tablet, dalam dos tunggal, satu atau dos jenis sahaja.

Ahli Homeopathy: Oleh kerana mereka ini tidak faham tentang Ilmu Perubatan Homeopathy - Mereka akan menghentam seborono mana-mana ubat yang ada pada simpanan mereka dan mereka akan bagi satu, dua atau 3 botol ubat 30ml dengan dos yang besar 12 titik atau 20 titik. Sedangkan cara makan ubat homeopati sebenar ialah: satu titik [ satu dos sahaja ]

Ahli Homeopathy: atau part Time Homeopathy CUKUP CEMBURU / IRI HATI pada mana-mana doktor senior atau doktor-doktor full time dan mereka akan mencaci atau mencemuh doktor-doktor senior lain. Awas inilah gulongan yang pura-pura jadi doktor homeopati.

Jangan tertipu dengan mereka ini - pilihlah doktor-doktor homeopati yang berkelulusan dan berwatak mulia. Jangan dipermain-mainkan NYAWA anda atau keluarga anda.

Silap pilih doktor homeopati, silaplah ubat yang diberikan kepada anda !!

Juga jangan percaya mutlak dengan berita-berita dalam internet, siasat dulu sebelum membuat sebarang konsultasi.

Cara Makan Ubat Homeopati @ Homeopathy @ Homoeopathy @ Omeopati @ Homeopathique

Cara Makan Ubat Homeopati

Ubat Homeopati Biasanya Dalam bentuk : Lactose Manis atau Dalam bentuk Air Sulin atau Air Mineral.

Semua ubat homeopati dimakan Secara

1. Gigit - Hisap atau Kunyah [ sama ada tablet atau globules]
2. Di Titis dalam Mulut.

Ubat Homeopati tidak ada yang pahit atau dalam bentuk kapsul.

Perhatikan nama ubat homeopati dan check dalam internet atau telefon terus kepada Setiausaha Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia untuk pengesahan apakah anda benar-benar mendapat ubat homeopati atau ubat homeopati palsu

Setiausaha MRHP Dr Mohd Nasir Zain Tel 09 7440440 (Waktu pejabat)

Ingin Berhenti Merokok Cara Homeopati

Jika anda bersungguh-sungguh untuk berhenti merokok

Cuba Cara Homeopati Dengan Menggunakan Ubat Anti Rokok Homeopati

HentiKot iaitu sejenis ubat Homeopati dari bahhan semulajadi Coffe dan Nux Vomica.

Jika di gunakn bersama dengan rawatan integrasi akupunktur di titik Shemen anda boleh lihat keberkesanannya dalam tempuh 10 terapi.

Selamat Mencuba.

Amaran: Kerajaan : Merokok Merbahayakan Kesihatan Anda.

Homeopati Ubat Organik.

You Wanti To Quit Smoking ?
We are all aware of the health risks of smoking

Today, many smokers give up not only because of the health risks to themselves, but also to those around them (the chart below explains more about the risks of active and passive smoking).

Others choose to give up in order to save money or to stop smoking from interrupting their daily routines. And some just want to feel better and for their clothes to smell better.

Whatever your reason for quitting, with willpower and HentoKok, you are twice as likely to succeed.

Demam Kuning Bayi @ Jaundice

Tahukah Anda bahawa

DEMAM KUNING BAYI @ JAUNDICE boleh dirawat dengan sempurna oleh Ubat Homeopati.
Jika diberi dalam kadar segera, Jaubdice boleh hiland dalam tempuh satu hingga dua minggu.

Oleh itu jangan tunggu lama-lama, jika didapati bayi anda dijangkiti Demam Kuning, Segerakan mendapat ubat tersebut dimana-mana Klinik Cawangan Kami di Sekitar Lembah Kelang atau di Kelantan atau tel 018-2888 379 atau 09-765 7777

Ubat Homeopati Untuk Bayi ini adalah dalam bentuk air dititis pada mulut sehingga sembuh.

Cara Perubatan Biasa Di Hospital:

Hampir setiap hari baby akan diambil darah untuk ujian makmal dan jika serius kena masuk dibawah Sinar Biru Ultraviolet.

Ingat cara doktor lakukan di hospital juga bertujuan untuk merawat bayi anda, dan prosedur yang dilakukan juga memang cara western medicine. Anda harus bersabar.

How To Treat Jaundice

If your baby has a yellowish tint to the skin, it could be caused by jaundice, which is a common condition that affects many newborns. Usually, jaundice is not dangerous. It is simply caused by an excess of a pigment called bilirubin, which builds up in the baby's body and can take a few weeks to subside. If your baby has been diagnosed with jaundice, here are some things you can do to help:

1. Understand that mild cases of jaundice do not need to be treated. They will resolve on their own.
2. If you breastfeed, continue doing so regularly, as this can help to eliminate extra bilirubin from the body.
3. Make sure that your breastfeeding baby is latched on properly and is sucking correctly. When babies do not breastfeed well, they may not get enough calories and may be more likely to get a more severe case of jaundice.
4. If your baby seems sleepier from the jaundice, take care to wake him or her to feed often enough.

5. Stay in close touch with your pediatrician, because if the bilirubin level gets too high, then phototherapy may need to be used, which is a special light therapy that dissolves the extra bilirubin in the skin.
6. Ask your pediatrician about using a photo-optic bilirubin blanket at home that can have the same results at having phototherapy in the hospital.
7. Understand that you may need to supplement breastfeeding with formula or water to provide more fluids that will help to decrease the bilirubin levels. If this is the case, check with a lactation consultant for help on how to introduce the supplements, such as via a syringe or with your finger, to prevent nipple confusion.
8. While most babies do well breastfeeding with jaundice, some may need formula instead until they get the excess bilirubin out of their bodies. If your doctor recommends you stop breastfeeding temporarily, pump your milk to help you maintain your milk supply and avoid getting engorged.
9. Be prepared if your baby is not responding to the jaundice treatment, the next step would be to have an exchange transfusion, which replaces the newborn's blood with transfusions from a donor.


* If your jaundiced baby suddenly seems sleepier, develops a piercing cry, gets a fever or exhibits any other unusual symptom, have him or her checked by a pediatrician immediately in case the condition has worsened.

Miracle of Zam Zam Water From Mekkah, Saudi Arabia

بِسۡمِ ٱللهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
ALL praise is due to Almighty ALLAH(SWT), Lord of the Worlds


1. To cure harmful diseases and toxins by using zamzam.


2. Water is an essential part of our bodies. Without water we cannot
sustain ourselves. The human body is 75% water. Two thirds of the
weight of the body is water and about 75% of the protoplasm- the
material surrounding the nuclei of the cells, is composed of water. In
the body, water transports food elements in the cells. As human beings
we owe it to ourselves to drink the best, the cleanest, the most
nourishing water of all for verily water is life.

Best Water On the Face Of The Earth is the Zam Zam Water

3. The best water on the face of the earth is the Zam Zam water. This
is the water which heals. The only place on earth this water comes
from is a well in Makkah, Saudi Arabia.

Well has Been in Use For 4000years
4. According to Arab historians, the well has been in use for
4000years. The well makes the site of a spring that miraculously has
issued forth from a barren and desolate non perennial stream where the
prophet Abraham (PBUH), under Almighty ALLAH(SWT)’s command had left
his wife Hagar(raa) and infant son Ishmael (PBUH) in the desperate
search for water. Hagar (raa) searched desperately for water in the
hills of Safa and Marwa to give to her newly born son Ismail (pbuh) As
she ran from one place to another in search of water, her child rubbed
his feet against the sand. A pool of water surfaced, and by the grace
of God, shaped itself into a well which came to be called Zamzam water
Difference Between Zamzam Water and Other Water
5. The difference between Zamzam water and other water (city water)
was in the quantity of calcium and magnesium salts. The content of
these was slightly higher in Zamzam water. This may be why this water
refreshes tired hajis, but more significantly, the water contained
fluorides that have an effective germicidal action.Sodium and
Potassium were manifold higher in Zam Zam water than in tap and solar
pump water.

Curing Cancer, Food Poisoning, Burns, Arthritis, Eczema, Thyroid
Dysfunction, Mental Confusion, High Cholesterol, Hypertension, Sle,
Haemorrhoids And Generalised Fatigue

6. Zam Zam water has an effect of removing toxins from the body thus
making it helpful in speeding the process of curing cancer, food
poisoning, burns, arthritis, eczema, thyroid dysfunction, mental
confusion, high cholesterol, hypertension, SLE, haemorrhoids and
generalised fatigue. Zam Zam water has a vitality that no other water
has. It is a healer in every disease.

Never Been Chemically Treated
7. Zumzum water's appeal has always been universal. This water has
never been chemically treated or chlorinated as is the case with water
pumped into the cities.
No sign of Biological Growth
8. Biological growth and vegetation usually takes place in most wells.
This makes the water unpalatable owing to the growth of algae causing
taste and odour problems.
But in the case of the Zumzum water well, there wasn't any sign of
biological growth

Never Dried Up
9. This well has never dried up. On the contrary it has always
fulfilled the demand for water. It has always maintained the same salt
composition and taste ever since it came into existence. Its
potability has always been universally recognised as pilgrims from all
over the world visit Ka'aba every year for Hajj and umrah, but have
never complained about it. Instead, they have always enjoyed the water
that refreshes them. Water tastes different at different places

Scientifically Superior To Tap Water Or Solar Pump Wate

10.Four senior experts of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission have
found the water of Zam Zam well to be scientifically superior to tap
water or solar pump water. This was done through analysis and testing.
It was found that Zam Zam water has a curative effect.

Neutralise Excess Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)

11. Alkaline in nature, the Zam Zam water can neutralise excess
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) found in the stomach and reduces heartburn.
Iodide, Sulphate, Nitrate contents are much higher in Zam Zam water.
It was revealed that contents of macro-nutrients like magnesium.


12. Zamzam has cured the patient of harmful toxins and results have
Showed negative when it came to checking for the harmful toxins in the
patients body therefore it is proven that zamzam has healing

13. Zamzam is a miracle water which has healing
properties and has the ability to cure a person that has harmful
toxins and and also zamzam is the purest and cleanest water on earth