Thursday, March 5, 2009

Colon Cancer / Kanser Kolon

Colorectal Cancer
Colon Cancer

Signs and Symptoms
The colon makes up the last six feet of the large intestines and absorbs water, electrolytes and nutrients from food and transports them into the bloodstream.
Colon cancer is fairly common, affecting about 7 percent of the American population. Although it is a life-threatening disease, it is a highly curable form of cancer if found early. Regular check-ups and screenings are very important.

Common signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

A change in bowel habits
Diarrhea, constipation or feeling that the bowel does not empty completely
Blood, either bright red or very dark in the stool
Stools that are narrower than usual
General abdominal discomfort such as frequent gas pains, bloating, fullness or cramps
Weight loss with no known reason
Constant tiredness

Tanda dan Gejalan Kanser Kolon
Selalu sakit perut / memulas perut / senok perut / pedih
Sembelit kadang-kadang cirit birit
Najis bercampur darah atau kotoran nanah
Setiap kali makan rasa tidak enak
Najis berbau hanyir macam darah
Berat badan turun
Selalu keletihan
Kadang-kadang makan atau minum muntah.
Awas jangan tunggu lama-lama terus jumpa mana-mana doktor yang terdekat. Kalau rawatan biasa tidak menjadi, cepat-cepat makan ubat homeopati, ia boleh baik jika dapat dirawat diperingkat awal.
Infomasi selanjutnya

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